Switch to an external Docker registry at runtime
This tutorial shows how you can switch to an external Docker registry in a specific Namespace, with Serverless already installed on your cluster. This example relies on the default
Namespace but you can use any other. You will create a Secret custom resource (CR) with credentials to one of these registries:
After this change, any Function deployed in the default
Namespace will store images in this registry.
CAUTION: Function images are not cached in the Docker Hub. The reason is that this registry is not compatible with the caching logic defined in Kaniko that Serverless uses for building images.
- Docker Hub
Create required cloud resources
To create cloud resources required for a given registry provider, follow the steps described in the Set an external Docker registry tutorial.
Create a Secret CR
Create a Secret CR in the default
Namespace. Such a Secret must contain the serverless.kyma-project.io/remote-registry: config
label and the required data (username, password, serverAddress, and registryAddress):
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -apiVersion: v1kind: Secrettype: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjsonmetadata: name: serverless-registry-config namespace: default labels: serverless.kyma-project.io/remote-registry: configdata: username: {VALUE} password: {VALUE} serverAddress: {VALUE} registryAddress: {VALUE}EOF
CAUTION: If you want to create a cluster-wide Secret, you must create it in the
Namespace and add theserverless.kyma-project.io/config: credentials
label. Read more about requirements for Secret CRs.
Test the registry switch
Create a Function in the default
Namespace and check if the Function's Deployment points to the external registry using this command:
kubectl get pods -n default -l serverless.kyma-project.io/resource=deployment -o jsonpath='{ ...image }'