404 Not Found
When you try to reach your service, you get 404 Not Found
in response.
Make sure that the following conditions are met:
Proper Oathkeeper Rule has been created:
Click to copykubectl get rules.oathkeeper.ory.sh -n {NAMESPACE}TIP: Name of the Rule consists of the name of the APIRule and a random suffix.
Proper VirtualService has been created:
Click to copykubectl get virtualservices.networking.istio.io -n {NAMESPACE}TIP: Name of the VirtualService consists of the name of the APIRule and a random suffix.
Sometimes Oathkeeper Maester controller stops reconciling Rules on long-living clusters. This behavior might result in random 404 Not Found
responses because Oathkeeper does not contain Rules reflecting the actual state of the cluster. A simple restart of the Pod resolves the problem. To verify if that it is the cause of the issue you encountered, follow these steps:
Fetch all Oathkeeper Pods' names:
Click to copykubectl get pods -n kyma-system -l app.kubernetes.io/name=oathkeeper -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'Fetch the Access Rules from every Oathkeeper Pod and save them to a file:
Click to copykubectl cp -n kyma-system -c oathkeeper "{POD_NAME}":etc/rules/access-rules.json "access-rules.{POD_NAME}.json"If you have more than one instance of Oathkeeper, compare whether the files contain the same Rules. Because Oathkeeper stores Rules as JSON files, you can use jd to automate the comparison:
Click to copyjd -set {FIRST_FILE} {SECOND_FILE}The files are considered different by jd if there are any differences between the files other than the order of Rules.
Compare Rules in the files with those present in the cluster. If the files are different, Oathkeeper Pods are out of sync.